Saturday, May 23, 2009

Leave it to B...

So, if my husband wasn't amazing already, at our last childbirth class he volunteered to put on the 35lb Pregnant Sympathy Belly(and to try and get an idea of what its like to carry around extra weight. He only wore it for a couple minutes, but I love him for it. It was quite entertaining!! He's so wonderful, I'm so blessed :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Belly Pic.. 33 weeks & 1 day

Here it is in all it's glory.. my growing belly @ 33 weeks & 1 day :) I don't feel like I can possibly get any I feel like a big cow 90% of the time. Luckily, it will all be worth it in the end!
XOXO Kacee

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

33 weeks & counting...

We're 33 weeks pregnant! Wow, just to say that freaks me It's getting so close now I can hardly wait. Being that I'm completely miserable 90% of my days, sometimes I feel like I can't make it another day. My back, knees,head...well everything hurts! Although being pregnant is the best thing that has ever happened to us, it's not fun :( So..I will stop complaining now. Kaleigh is doing great!! She's still very active, but the jolts have become painful and uncomfortable. She is running out of room in my tummy and she LOVES to put her little feet in my left rib cage, let me tell you, I love her to death, but that is really annoying. Brentton and I are so happy her room is pretty much done. I love going in there and just sitting in the floor and dreaming about what it will be like when she gets here :)

What I'm thankful for:
My Husband, who is the most wonderful man in this entire world. I can't explain the love that I have for him. I don't know how he puts up with all my complaining.. all the time. I can get annoying but he always makes me smile & laugh. Kaleigh is going to be the luckiest little girl in the world to have him for a father. I thank god for blessing me with him every day, he is my world, my everything.

My Mommy,who is the most patient,giving woman in this world. I've always loved and appreciated her, but for some reason lately I feel like I need her everyday of my life. She has been amazing through my entire pregnancy. Any time I get scared,nervous or just need to complain and cry she always listens. I cherish every single moment I get with her because she teaches me so much. I know that she will show me how to be a good mother just as she was :)

My Daddy, who is my hero. I feel like he built the moon, the stars and everything along with it. He gives me strength when I think I can't go on. He has always been proud of me in all that I have done and for that I am so very thankful. I don't get to see him as much as I would like and I miss him every single day. I wish every little girl could have such a great daddy like I do! I admire his courage,strength,work ethic,honesty and loving nature. He is amazing!

My Baby Girl, who I can't wait to meet :) I thank God for blessing me with such a wonderful miracle. I love her so much already I can't imagine the day when I finally get to hold her in my arms.

*God has truly blessed me with wonderful family & friends. I give all the credit to him for all the amazing things happening in my life right now.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Almost there....Kaleigh's Room

Hey Everyone! Even though Kaleigh's room isn't completely finished I wanted to post some pictures of the progress we've made. We FINALLY got the border up today (well my mom and aunt jay did, I just kinda sat and My Aunt Jay also bought us a crib mattress which I am super excited about!! The room looks much better in person I will have to say. The gifts you see on the changing table/chest is from my baby shower in here in Lexington given by my friends Erin & Jill :) We are starting to get really excited for Kaleigh to get here. It feels much more real now that her room is coming together. I hope you enjoy these pictures :)
Love Ya, Kacee
Still in progress..but getting there
Her lil' Monkey

Gifts from my Lexington Baby Shower :)

Crib w/her new matress :)


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sneak Peak of the Baby Shower Invite

I just finished addressing the baby shower invitations and I am SO EXCITED to share them with everyone. I plan on mailing them this weekend, so you should be getting them very soon. My mama and I made them ourselves and we're so proud at how pretty they turned out. I hope you like them :)

Love , Kacee

Finally.....A Belly Pic!

As promised here is my growing belly at 31 weeks & 3 days

Monday, May 4, 2009

31 Weeks & Counting...

Hey Everyone! Once again I apologize for not posting a new belly picture.. I went to Prestonsburg this weekend and didn't have much time to do anything. I promise I will have one by the end of the week.

So in other news, I had a checkup today. I now have to go every 2 weeks..yes, it is annoying :)There was no sugar or protein in my urine which is awesome! Kaleigh's heart beat was great, between 139-149. I have been so blessed to have such a wonderful pregnancy so far with no complications. I hope that the next two months continue to go just as great.

I'm still finding it hard to believe that Kaleigh will be here so soon. I have about 8-9 weeks left! To be honest with you, I'm starting to get kind of scared :( She has been with me every second of every day, I know she is safe, I know that I can protect her at all times....Although I CAN NOT WAIT to see her face, I'm nervous about being separated from her :( I know God has given her to me for a reason and I trust in him that he will help me do everything I can to keep her safe, happy & healthy.

Baby Shower News! I finished up the invitations this weekend with my mommy :) We will be sending them the end of this week. For those who do not know yet, its May 30th at 1:00 pm at Boldman Freewill Baptist Church. You will be getting an official invite, just wanted to remind ya!

I have had a LONG day.. Kaleigh and I need our rest :)
Love Always, Kacee