Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dr. Appointment Update!

We just got home from my 39 week appointment. I am STILL not dilated, but the doctor said he did notice a change, just not much of one..lol He said if I do not go into labor by next week I will be induced around Thursday or Friday. YAY! I am hoping that I can do it on my own, but if not at least now I know that she will be here by next weekend!!! Other than that, everything else looked normal and Kaleigh's heart rate was fantastic :) We are so anxious to see her beautiful face.

I'm off to take a nap, please pray for us!

Love Always, Kacee

YAY for Birthdays!

We love you!! GREAT Aunt Missy :)
B, Kacee & Kaleigh

Monday, June 29, 2009

Another June Baby :)

We Love You Auntie Lauren!! Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dr. Appointment Nigtmare!

I just got home from my 38 week appointment.As I mentioned my actual Dr. is on vacation until Monday so therefore I seen another Dr. Let's just say it was a nightmare on elm street! The so called Dr. had NO CLUE what he was doing nor did he care about me enough to listen to my concerns. He of course starts out by asking me how I feel, I proceed to tell him that I am in a great deal of pain and about the contractions that I have been having, does he care? NO. So finally he attempts to listen for my little angels heart beat. Can he find it? NO. Why you ask? Because he had no clue what he was doing, he was surely acting like he knew though, (while listening to my OWN heart beat on the monitor) He says "oh it sounds good!" HE DIDN'T EVEN CHECK HER HEART, HE WAS LISTENING TO MINE! At this point I am already angry but it gets worse. After dipping my urine, he comes back in and tells me that I have sugar in my urine but HE is not worried about it. Once again, I bite my tongue. Then he hands me my check out form and says that he will see me next week. So, you would assume I'm happy that I can leave, right? NO, because he didn't even bother to do a cervical exam to see if I was dilated. So I ask him, Are you not going to check me? He says, "No, there is no need to, it would just be for fun". FOR FUN??? Yes, this wonderful (note the sarcasm) so called Dr. did not do a cervical exam on a 38 week pregnant girl who has been in pain for a week! I finally grabbed the paper from his hand and left. Now I have to wait until Tuesday to see my REAL Dr.

I had to vent a little and get it out of my system! Hope you enjoyed my ranting, it makes me feel better :)

Love Kacee

Someone's Birthday is Today...

We Hope today is as special as you are! We Love & Miss you!!
B, Kacee & Kaleigh

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Belly Pic @ 38 weeks

We're 38 Weeks!

It's really amazing to know that we're only 14 DAYS away from our due date! 2 weeks! I can not enough believe it. It's just a waiting game now, which makes me so anxious. Last night I did start having some contractions, but they eventually disappeared. They were only 6-8 minutes apart so there was no need to go to the hospital. They were painful, but no where near what I am assuming they will be during the last phase of labor. Brentton and I can not wait to see our little love. Kaleigh is our angel and I pray that we can be the best parents to her as we possibly can.

Appointment Update!
My 38 week appointment is Thursday at 1:00 p.m. My actual doctor is on vacation :( So I will be seeing a different doctor this week,which I'm not to happy about. I'm keeping my hopes up that I will be dilated & effaced! At this point I feel like she may never come out, I need that little glimmer of hope..lol

I will keep everyone updated on our status after my appointment. Please keep us in your prayers.

Love Kacee

Friday, June 19, 2009

The joy of Pregnancy

I am starting to get a little impatient. Although I'm extremely happy and excited to see our baby girl, the pregnancy is starting to take a lot out of me. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn't help the horrible side effects of packing around this little angel all day. Besides that, it is 95 degrees in Lexington today and to top it all off, the air conditioning in my car is OUT! Yuck. Therefore, this is the result of setting in traffic and working all day :) Got to love those hobbit feet....lol

Hope it makes you laugh :)
Love ,Kacee

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am officially 37 weeks 1 day, which is considered FULL TERM! I just realized that and got really excited..lol We have 19 days left until our due date, WOW! I just want to ask everyone to pray for us in hopes of a safe delivery :) I hope you enjoy the belly pic!

Love, Kacee

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So... I'm kinda spoiled :)

All for our little Princess

Hey Everyone! We finally got her Pack N Play today :) It is so pretty ! We also put together her matching swing and her cradle bouncer. It is so weird seeing all this stuff in our living room. We are getting so anxious. Now all we need is our baby girl. Hope you enjoy the pics :) Love Kacee

Pack N Play
Travel System

Her Swing
Cradle Bouncer

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm 36 weeks pregnant! Can you believe it?

So I CAN NOT believe that I have made it this far. I finally feel like I'm approaching the finish line :) I feel like I have been pregnant for years..lol I am so excited for her to be here soon. Everyday I get closer and closer to holding our little princess :) The excitement can not shake the misery of how I feel these days..lol I know I sound like a big baby but its true. It's getting extremely hard to get up and go to work everyday. Small tasks seem so much bigger right now. Doing ONE load of laundry feels like such an accomplishment these days. I try really hard to be strong and take it day by day. Brentton really helps me through the days, I text him constantly about how miserable I am..all my aches and pains. He has been amazing!! I know it has to bother him, but he never complains :) He always makes me laugh and tells me I can do it. I'm so very thankful to have such a wonderful husband. BE JEALOUS!! lol

In other news..Our hospital tour at UK is today at 6:30! We will get to see the floor we will be staying on,meet the staff,and hopefully look at some babies :)

My 36 week appointment is tomorrow. I have to have a Group B strep test done at 8:40 AM! Not looking forward to that. Along with the usual urine test, The Dr. is going to get another urine culture done because of the protein and sugar found in my urine at the last appointment. Everyone please pray for good news :)

New pictures coming soon!! Love Ya, Kacee

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kaleigh's Baby Shower 5/30/09

I just want to thank everyone who attended Kaleigh's baby shower this past weekend. It meant so much to Brentton and I that you wanted to share in this wonderful time in our lives. We got LOTS and LOTS of stuff!! I feel so blessed for all the gifts we received :) A special thanks to : My mom, Aunt Jay, Brian & DiAnne & everyone who brought food and helped with clean up. I love you all so much. Hope you enjoy the pics :)

Mommy & Daddy
My pregnant Belly

Best Cake..EVER

Cake Table

Center Piece

B and I as newborns :)






YAY! Kaleigh's room is finally finished :) Now all we need is our little Princess! Hope you enjoy all the photos

Kaleigh Madison Akers
View from the door

View from her bathroom


Stuffed Animals!

Inside her crib

My new Glider Rocker! Thanks B :)

Diapers and such..inside her closet


and more clothes! she is so spoiled already!!

Blanket Closet