Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mommy's Baby :)

Hey Everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week, but I have been extremely busy with going back to work and taking care of our baby girl. Work was exhausting.. I was glad to see everyone and get back into the swing of things, but I really missed Kaleigh. My aunt Jay and Mom(Grammy) were gracious enough to watch her my first week back and I have never been so thankful. They did awesome !!

Brentton and I had our first night alone Saturday. Little Kaleigh stayed at her Great Aunt Missy & Uncle Greg's house. Not only with them, but with her Pa-B, Mema,Uncle McKenzie & Auntie Lauren :) Although I knew they all would take great care of her, it was still incredibly sad to leave her behind. It was heart breaking... her little heart has been beating next to mine since the day I found out I was pregnant and I missed her more than anyone can understand. I had a little nervous break down, but my wonderful husband convinced me that she was safe and happy and that I needed to get a good nights rest. I don't know what I would do without him, he is amazing! LOVE YOU B!!!!! I am so thankful for all of my wonderful family, I love you guys so much.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pretty Pretty Princess

As most of you know I went back to work today :( It was so hard to walk away from her this morning. It broke my heart. My aunt was gracious enough to watch her for me. Although I knew she was in great hands I was still worried about her every minute of the day. My aunt said Kaleigh did wonderful, I was so proud of her. Here are some pictures from our photo shoot yesterday. SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD ;)

Love Kacee

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You are my Sunshine..

Everyday I am more amazed at the love I feel for my baby girl. I honestly can't imagine what life was without her, is that weird? I know I sound cheesy but its so She has been having a lot of tummy aches lately and I have tried EVERYTHING. It breaks my heart to see her in pain. I want everyone to pray for her, please :) Two to three times a day she gets extremely fussy, crying non stop for around an hour. I usually cry along with her :( I can't help myself, I want to make her feel better but it usually takes every ounce of patience I have to calm her & myself down. I try not to get frustrated because I know that is her only way of communication. Regardless of her fussiness, she is an absolute delight to be around. She is smiling whenever she is not We just love her so much. I thought I would share some pics of our short photo shoot today. She is my sunshine!!

Love to All, Kacee Leigh

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Kayden!

Hey Everyone! There is a new member of the family :) Savannah & Jake Johnson are proud to announce the birth of their little angel Miss Kayden Nevaeh Lee Johnson on August 17, 2009. She weighed 8lbs 13oz and was 20" long. She is perfect!! Savannah delivered her via c-section and is doing very well. Please keep them in your prayers. Here is a picture of their beautiful baby girl.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our Princess is One Month Old :)

Kaleigh is one month old today..can you believe it? She is changing so much these days. She is beginning to smile a lot more and even trying to laugh :) It is so precious. I honestly have never seen a prettier I know all parents say that but I'm serious. I wanted to share her wonderful smile with everyone. Hope you love them :)
Love Kacee

Laughing at Mommy
I love her smile :)

Showing off her pretty outfit daddy got her


Friday, August 14, 2009

Dr. Appointment Update !

Hey Everyone! We just got home from the Dr.'s Office. At 4 weeks (1 day) old Kaleigh weighed 10lbs 8oz & 22.5 inches long. She is growing like a weed :) She checked out wonderful and was a perfect little angel for the Dr. & the nurse. Everyone was so excited to see her. She is defiantly a Whenever she is being watched she can put on a show. God love her little heart!! Her next appointment is in 4 weeks to get her 2 month shots with her Me-ma!! Here is a pic to cheer ya up. Love you all, Kacee

Kaleigh's trip to Floyd Co.

--> Kaleigh made her debut in Floyd Co. Wednesday & Thursday :) Although it was a stressful event traveling with a newborn, we were glad she got to see some new faces. She slept the entire way home! We could't ask for a better traveler. We can't believe she is 4 weeks old, it's so amazing! She is changing every single day and getting more and more beautiful. I thought I would share some photos of our trip home.
Love Kacee

Sleepin away

Bedtime at Paw-B & Me-ma's House

So serious :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Prayers were Answered..

Kaleigh's doctor just called and the results of her TSH test came back completely NORMAL! I have never been so happy to hear blood test results in my whole life. It's one thing to worry about yourself, but I can not even explain the fear I had for my little girl. I just thank GOD that he was watching over her :) Here is a picture to make you smile !! Have a good day. Love Kacee
Pretty Girl :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bathtime for Baby

I meant to post these pictures the other night after her first bath, but she was a little fussy and she comes first :) I hope you enjoy them, I know they make me smile!!

Get me outta her mommy!!

Yay!! It's over!!

My poor little baby

As you all know, yesterday I took Kaleigh to get blood work done to check her TSH levels. I haven't received the results just yet, but hopefully I will hear something very soon. It was my first test at being strong for my daughter. It was heart breaking watching them stick her little foot. She screamed so loud I just wanted to scream with her. I cried for a moment but soon got together for my baby girl. I wanted to share some pictures of her poor little foot :( I will let everyone know her test results as soon I get them .

Love Kacee

Monday, August 3, 2009

Please Pray for Our Baby Girl ...

Hey Everyone! I got a letter in the mail today from the Department of Pediatrics at UK. They did a metabolic screening on Kaleigh before she was discharged from the newborn nursery and they found that her TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) levels were elevated. There are many reasons why newborns have elevated levels. In Kaleigh's case, most likely it could be due to her low Apgar score and breathing difficulties at birth. I have also read that the levels could be off because the test could have been conducted too early causing a false result (which is what were hoping for). I am taking her to have blood work tomorrow morning. They say the test is simple, a small pin prick in her foot. I am asking all of you to please pray for a healthy test result for our baby girl. I'm so nervous and worried for her and I need help from all of you. I will update you as soon as we get the results. Love you all !!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just me and my pink bow..

Hey Everyone! We had yet another photo shoot today :) I know the pink bow is massive but doesn't it look cute on her? Yes, I think so ! Hope you like the pictures, Love You all!!