Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Best Things in Life are Free :)

Hey Guys! It has been a long time coming but here are some pictures of our little princess. She is growing up so fast :( Everyday it is something new with her. She is becoming so VOCAL, trying to laugh and smiling at everyone and everything she sees. One of the funniest things that she has started doing is putting everything she can get in her little hand into her mouth. It's hilarious! I know I will never get these times back and I am trying to chereish every moment I spend with her. She is amazing! Hope you enjoy the pics :) Love Ya, Kacee
Oh..notice the POINTING PICTURE :) so cute
Flirting with the camera


Doesn't she look like B here??

Her OFFICIAL pointing picture :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Busy Bee...

Hey Bloggers! Sorry for being on hiatus for a I have been super busy with work and taking care of a sick baby. For those of you who didn't know Kaleigh had a respiratory infection,ear infection and now has a cold :( Oh..and on top of that she had to have shots Wednesday, so let's just say that she has been a very strong little girl. She is still congested, but is starting to feel a little better. I just ask that everyone continue to keep her in your prayers. At her doctor's visit on Wednesday she weighed 11lbs 14ounces and was 23 1/2 inches long :) Growing like a weed!! Other than her little cold/allergies (possibly) she is a healthy little baby. Thank you God!!

Kaleigh is starting to laugh and smile ALL the time. Her Mema introduced patty cake to her, and SHE LOVES IT! I do it all the time now. It is so amazing to see her growing and learning new things. I can't wait for the years to come :)

Being a mom has honestly been the most wonderful,stressful,tiring,most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't have it any other way..


Sunday, September 13, 2009


Happy Grandparents Day Mema & Pa-B!!! Brentton, Kaleigh & I want to thank you all for being the best grandparents Kaleigh could ever have :) We love you all so much!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Little Miss Photogenic

Here are some photos of our little princess!!! Hope you like them :) Love Kacee

Saturday, September 5, 2009

For the Love of UK!!

Hey Everyone!! Sorry I haven't posted latley,but my new crazy life is very demanding. In honor of UK's first football game, here are some photos of Kaleigh supporting her favorite College Team :) GO CATS!!!