Saturday, January 30, 2010

She did it....

Hey Guys!! So our amazing little Kaleigh bug pulled up on a basket yesterday and stood all by herself :) I honestly couldn't believe it. Even though she has been standing in her crib for about a week now I had never seen her stand on the ground. She is also pulling up on the side of the couch and standing too ! We have been clapping for her whenever she does it and she is SO proud of herself. She will laugh and smile after she stands up, it's so sweet. She is growing up right in front of my eyes. I wanted to share a picture of her first standing Along with some pictures of her infectious smile !
6 months old!

standing up by the couch (with over-protective mommy close by)

Love that face!

How can you not be happy around her?

Have a great weekend!! Love Kacee & Kaleigh

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Incredible 6 Month Old..

OMG!! So my 6 month old can stand up all by herself.. Can you believe it? I'm sorry but I think she's the smartest baby ever, no joke. I sat her in her crib while I was running a bath and I come back and she's standing there!! I'm so incredibly proud of my baby girl. She amazes me more and more every day. It won't be long and she will be running around the house! So of course photo crazy mommy grabbed the iphone as quick as possible.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here comes Trouble.. true Kaleigh Madison fashion the "normal" crawl is out the window! Her usual scooting has evolved into some sort of a walking crawl. It's hilarious! Not only is she crawling every where, she's into EVERYTHING. In a month or so she will be walking...I think I'm in trouble, what do you all think??

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Little Miss Photogenic

Hey Everyone!! Miss Kaleigh Madison is 6 months old today :)) Can you believe it? She is growing up so fast and changing each and every day. She is officially doing the "commando" and boy is she fast. In the blink of an eye she is gone. Her new thing is getting on all fours and standing up on her back legs, it's so cute. She usually just topples over.. She is eating fruits & vegetables on a regular basis now. She LOVES bananas! She is attempting to talk a lot more now. I swear is sounds like she is saying "da-da" (well at least we like to think she is ) Kaleigh has become quite a Mama's girl lately and although is doesn't leave me with a lot of free time I enjoy her reaching for me and whining when someone else has her. Call me crazy, but I love it :) It's been 1/2 a year and so much has changed. We're so excited for all the fun to come. Hope you enjoy the pictures & your weekend..

Love Kacee

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bring it on 2010...

Hey Everyone!! I can't believe 2009 is over, can you? I was blessed beyond words when our little miracle Kaleigh was born this past year. I'm so thankful for all the new experiences we had. I can not wait to see what God has in store for us in 2010.. She is almost 6 months old now and it's unbelievable to me.. Not only is she sitting up all by herself, she is a couple weeks away from crawling. She is also going on a month and a half of sleeping in her "big girl" crib all night which is such a blessing. I'm so amazed and proud of my little angel =) She is the most beautiful and smartest baby girl in this whole world, no really!! lol Have a good week everyone, here is a little video of Kaleigh in her jumperoo..