Monday, June 21, 2010

It's officially Summer !!

It's offically summer time and Kaleigh is livin' it up! She loves wearing sunglasses and relaxin' in her swimming pool. I always knew I would have a summer babe =) We are approaching her 1st birthday and I am so excited! Even though she is growing up, I love watching her learn new things and develop her personality. This week she is puttng two words together. She said "get it" to brentton on the porch the other day...we both looked at each other in amazement. She also said, "mama uh-ohh", when she dropped her book in the floor. Every day it's something new! So Proud of her.....

Anyways, I stated my new job at Pikeville Medical Center today in the Heart Institute.. It is so different from the jewelry buisness but I am looking forward to learning new things and developing new skills. I am thankful for a new opportunity with very good benefits I hope everyone has a great week!! Here are some pictures of kaleigh enjoying the start of a FUN summer.

 With Love , Kacee

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy 11 Months Kaleigh

Kaleigh played basketball for the first time the other night ;) She LOVES it of course. Like Daddy Like Daughter..Miss Kaleigh is 11 months old! It seems like only yesterday that beautiful little face was born, as cliche as that may sound. She is doing so much now, walking and running every where! She can say mama, dada, hi, bye, chick chick, up, keys,get and is starting to mock words you say to her.She can  play "patty cake" by herself, wave hi, blow kisses by saying "give kisses kaleigh", can point out some facial features such as nose and eyes. She loves to eat "people food" and refuses to eat baby food or anything that resembles baby food . Her favs are strawberries,bananas,string cheese, toast, and chicken. She says, "mmmm" after she takes a bite of something good. She loves looking through books and magazines, DANCING, Swimming and playing in water, taking stroller rides, talking to the old lady next door, playing OUTSIDE regardless of the heat  She loves to turn off the tv (BIG NO NO) but she does it any way. Basically She is AMAZING ;) Mommy loves you Kaleigh ! 
Give me the ball dada

Dribblin..getting ready to make a


Just because she loves basketball doesn't mean she's still not prissy ;)

This has been the best 11 months of my life...LOVE YOU KA BUG!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've got Sunshine....

Some times I feel like I can't make it through the day, then I see your face....

At times I get frustrated and just want to be alone, then I see you smile...

You shine through the clouds and could move a mountain with your laugh...

I would give up the world for you...and love you no matter what..

YOU mean everything to me Kaleigh Madison!!
Mommy loves you with all her heart !!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Kaleigh has discovered a new friend! Mr. Baby chick chick :) My brother brought this little guy home...She of course is in love with it. Do you blame her?? He's pretty cute :) The chick did however give her a run for her money, it was just as wild and fast as she is. She did a great job handling it but once the chick got annoyed it tried to get away.. and as we all know Kaleigh couldn't let that happen. She held right on to him..Here are some pictures of her new experience.

Have a great Weekend !!
It finally got away and jumped right on her arm... ;)