Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Little Sour Patch Kid..

First she's SOUR....

Then she's SWEET...
It's official...I have a SOUR PATCH KID and if you've seen those commericals, you know exactly what I'm talking about! As hard as it is to believe. That sweet little face can be pretty sour at times. She has developed quite the temper. I'm pretty sure it's because she is spoiled to death, just maybe :)  Although I have read a hundred times on what to do when your toddler has tantrums, I have yet to find a mechanism that works for us.. I need HELP!

What is the most appropriate way to deal with temper tantrums?? She loves to throw herself on the floor, kick her feet, and SCREAM bloody murder!! This happens when; she doesn't get what she wants, you don't pick her up quick enough, you take something away from her and generally when she's tired! What to do, what to do....

How can you dicipline that sweet little face??
<3 She will trick ya...
I need your advice, leave comments!
Love Kacee

Monday, July 26, 2010

Kaleigh Check-Up..

I almost forgot to tell everyone about Kaleigh's 12 Month Check-up's.. We took a visit to the Pediatrician last week. She recieved her last round of shots until she's 15 months old. Overall she did very well, crying for only a minute. She weighed 20 lbs was 28.5 inches long and her head circum. was 18 inches. I was so happy that she hit the 20 lb mark! She was in the teens forever...Although she ranks between the 25th & 50th percentiles, she is completely healthy!

Brentton took her to her first Dentist appointment today. She recieved a floride treatment and got a new toothbrush :) Pink of course.. The Dentist said her bottom teeth are a little crowded for her age and she could possibly have an extra baby tooth. Looks like braces might be in our futures :( Let's hope not!! Oh well, she is healthy, happy and has the mind of a two year old  I'm so blessed....

Nothing sweeter than a  happy, healthy baby..
Have a good day, Love Kacee

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Top 5 Tips for First Time Mommy's...

Let's face it, becoming a first time mommy is scaring! Your not sure what to do, how to tell if somethings wrong, when to call the doctor, etc.It's confusing and stressful to say the least.

* The first couple of weeks after birth, other than the actual birthing process itself, is tough! Your exhausted, trying to adjust to caring for a newborn and not to mention your horomones are crazy...Speaking from experience, here are my Top 5 Tips for First Time Mommy's!

SLEEP WHEN YOUR BABY IS SLEEPING! when baby naps, you nap every single time!

LET THE HOUSE WORK GO! I'm sure the nesting phase set in during the last tri-mester and the house was at it's best when the baby arrived. Therefore, don't be worried if everything isn't in perfect place or things are laying around. NO ONE CARES! Been there done that..You will just exhaust yourself.

DON'T STRESS ABOUT YOUR BODY! Your stomach will not shrink over night. It took 9 months to compensate for that little bundle of joy, so don't bet on it returning weeks after birth. I was so worried about loosing weight that I made myself sick a lot of times. It will happen, you will loose the weight! Try not to put to much pressure on yourself.

TAKE TIME TO YOURSELF! Don't feel guilty about taking some time to relax when possible. In order to care for your newborn you need to be healthy yourself..this includes taking a break for YOU! Try your best to take 30 minutes (if not more) every single day to do something that makes you happy...Read, close your eyes, take a bath...etc. It really does make a difference.

DON'T TURN DOWN "HELP"! Honestly, this is one the of the most important tip's I can give. Many people helped me or offered to help when kaleigh was born. Looking back I wish I would have allowed more people to help me because I completely exhausted myself at times. Whether it's laundry, cooking, cleaning or just to let mommy take a nap, do not turn it down.

I want to start writing more posts about expereiences, advice and tips for mommy's to give me your feed back or ideas for new posts in the future! Below is a picture of me becoming a first time mommy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Hey Bloggers! I have been trying so hard to upload the video that Brentton and I made for Kaleigh's Party and it will not upload :( It's hard to believe that she is one..It breaks my heart to know that I can never get the past year back. She is officially a toddler and growing into a beautiful, intelligent little girl. I can't wait to see what the future holds for my angel. I want to thank everyone who came to her party and showered her with presents. We greatly appreciate every single person who contributed to her birthday party. I couldn't imagine my life without our family and friends. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Packing around her presents!
Birthday GIRL!
I love this sweet :)
Cheesin' for the camera
She was so happy and played with all her gifts..
Caleb..Kaleigh..Kayden...Three Amigos!
Tired after a long day of partying!
Blowing kisses to everyone!


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Love...

Hey Hey!! Good things are happening this coming week, Kaleigh is turning one on Friday and celebrating her very 1st birthday party on Sunday..Who else is excited?? Now that she is almost ONE I wanted to share some of the things she has accomplished..

Her normal everyday vocab consists of, " Hi, Bye Bye,Ja-cob, Ashy, Chick-Chick, Get it, Sit, Is it, Kitty, UP, Mama, Dada, HUH, that and Uh-oh,"  She repeats just about anything you ask her to in some way!

The most amazing thing that she can do now is recognize animal sounds. If you ask her "what does jacob's chick chick sound like?" she will make a rooster noise, I SWEAR! It seems impossible for her age but she really does it.

She climbs everything, Runs every where, claps her hands appropriately, laughs at the TV, LOVES LOVES Mickey Mouse, looking at books, EATING string cheese, gold fish (the original ones, she hates the colored ones) and FRUIT,  she's obsessed with her Mama :) Loves being up Corn Fork with all her family!! Can play patty-cake and peka-boo. Blows "mean kisses" to everyone and waves bye bye, She will Kiss you on the cheek and your She picks up the telephone and talks to DADA all the time.She loves packing around her little baby doll, she hugs/pats and says "awww" to it.

As sweet as she is she also has one bad temper. She stomps her feet and screams now when she doesn't get what she wants. When she is sleepy she feels the need to be mean, mostly turning off the tv and going places she knows not to. What can you do, she is a toddler now! 

I could go on all day of all the amazing things she does but I won't do that to you ;) She is smart, beautiful and has the biggest personality I have ever seen. WE LOVE YOU KALEIGH MADISON!! You are the light of everyone's life!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Breaking News!!!

Kaleigh's birthday party has been changed to July 18th from 1:30-3:30 pm. We just found out that Brentton has to work all day on the 17th. Two of the managers had vacations scheduled prior to Brentton transferring there and he has to fullfill his duties to the company (which is understandable). I hope this doesn't cause a problem for anyone. I hope those who were planning on coming can still attend :) Love you all!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Miss Kaleigh is almost ONE! I wanted to let everyone know that we will be having her 1st Birthday party on July 17th at 4:00 pm at our townhouse in Prestonsburg. Everyone is welcome!! I will try to get everyone my address ASAP. We are having a Minnie Mouse themed party for a princess :) It's hard to believe but it's almost here...I hope everyone will get to share in this wonderful experience with us ! Here are some pictures of my angel baby. Have a good and safe weekend..