Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or Treat

Miss Kaleigh was Minnie Mouse and went trick or treating for her first time on Thursday night. She had a great time, waving and saying Hi to everyone she seen..she even said trick or treat and got an extra piece of candy (which I might add she can't even eat). She is definitely a social butterfly! As you can see she looked so adorable in her little ears and costume and she wore it for two whole hours. She has been battling with an ear infection and fighting a cold so we didn't keep her out very long in the cold air. Please, Please pray that she gets better and rid of the infection. I really don't want tubes in her pretty little ears :(

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween Everyone!!
Love Kacee & Kaleigh (aka Minnie Mouse)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

15 Months of Joy!

Miss Kaleigh turned 15 months old on the 16th... She has been the light of my life ever since! We are gearing up for Halloween and her cute little Minnie Mouse outfit...I can't wait to dress her up and take her trick or treating. She is growing into such a diva! She loves to walk around in HIGH HEELS and carry her purses on each arm. She trys to put makeup on and loves to brush her hair and teeth. A girly girl for sure!! She can say anything you ask her to now, can name and point to ears/eyes/nose/belly/toes and mouth, still throwing her little temper tantrums, still drinking her bottle at nights (can not figure out how to break it, I know don't laugh at me) She LOVES to be the center of attention, attempts to climb up on everything and anything, dances even without music, Says "mommy" now instead of "mama"... I can't get enough of that sweet little child of mine! Hope you enjoy the pics :))

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Another Attempt at Fun.. I attempted to take Kaleigh to the Jenny Wiley Festival parade today. Key word, attempted. For some reason she can not relax and chill in her stroller like all the other children. It seems like any where I take her lately she refuses to sit still, throws a fit and leaves mommy pretty stressed out. It is extremely embarrassing and I don't know how to solve this problem! She will cooperate with us in her stroller for maybe 15 minutes (with snacks provided that is)...then BOOM your DONE! I always end up taking her home :(  I hope she grows out of this because we are becoming hermits! are some pictures of Miss Priss AFTER we returned home.As you see she looks so sweet & innocent.....ENJOY

With Love, Kacee

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What happened...

I miss my little baby.
she is growing up in front of my eyes......

What happened to my baby ? She is almost 15 months old..
She looks and acts like such a big girl now....
I can't hardly believe it...

 Last night, as I was laying her down to sleep, I had a flash back of all those late nights/early mornings with her and of course I started crying like a big wimp!! I never thought I would miss those nights but....wait for it..... I DO :) I miss her starring at me while I talk, listening to every word I say, cuddling with me for hours, never leaving my side (because she wasn't mobile, yet). I will never forget all the wonderful memories I've shared with my beautiful daughter.. I can't imagine what the future holds for her. What is your favorite memory with BABY KALEIGH??? (newborn-1 year)

I have mine <3