Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring Lovin'

It was absolutely beautiful today and Kaleigh and I spent it out doors!! She LOVES to be outside riding in her car, playing with side walk chalk, playing ball or going on a walk with mommy in her stroller..I'm pretty sure she would stay out all day if she could. Our neighbor hood is very peaceful and family oriented. I feel very safe here :) Kaleigh will be 22 months old in a couple weeks and she acts as if she's 4!! She has an attitude that you wouldn't believe, almost teenage like. She loves to accessorize with necklaces', bracelets and earrings. I don't blame her for that, she comes by it honestly :) 

Kaleigh's Spring Favorites
COLOR: Pink,Purple,Blue (depending on the day)
FOOD: Go-Gurt (sponge bob only)
TV SHOW: Dora & Sponge bob
DRINK: Milk and Green Hawaiian Punch
ATTIRE: Dresses...Flip Flops..Shorts

Here are some pics from our Saturday spent in the sun...
My World!

Smile :) I am....

Love , Kacee

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Summer Inspiration! I'm going to complain and if you don't want to hear it, well stop :) After having Kaleigh, I worked SO, SO hard to loose the "baby weight". I was so proud of myself because not only did I loose what I had gained during the pregnancy but I lost 20 extra lbs! Well....since we've moved to Somerset I've gained about 5 lbs back. Not so proud of myself for that. I know that to most people 5 lbs isn't a lot but to me it is. I have been complaining for 3 weeks now but still continue to eat sweets and french fries hahaha Whats wrong with me?? Well I AM PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN FOR MYSELF STARTING TOMORROW!! I believe if I cut out diet pop again and start working out 3 times a week I can get these extra lbs off and tone up for the amazing swim suit I have picked out. Below is my inspiration..........Along with some cute swim suits I found for the little Princess in my life.

I love it! Hopefully I can get this soon :)

I LOVE... LOVE this for Kaleigh :)
It looks like it was made for her!!

Of course she has to have TWO swimsuits! I think these are perfect!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

We decided to attend to new Church today in downtown Somerset and we really liked it...Our Easter was filled with cupcakes, marshmallow peeps, RAIN and a happy toddler :)

As we were praying, it made me realize how much I take for granted. My Husband, My Family, My Job, My healthy child and most of all GOD. I do not give him enough praise for everything he has done in my life and for that I am ashamed. From this day on I'm making a promise to myself and to GOD to become a better wife, mother, friend, cousin, daughter, etc. ...The pastor at Church today said that we should use today as a new beginning and start over. That is exactly what I plan on doing!! I never want to loose my Faith again... 

Dear GOD, Thank you for forgiving me for all that I have done, for not putting you first in my life, for not giving you praise every single day for all you've done for me. Today I give myself and my heart to you to make me a better person. Thank you for my amazing husband, my healthy daughter and the families that stand behind me....

Thanks for giving me a second chance...

Love, Kacee

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm Backkkk!!

Soo..I haven't blogged in forever and I feel like I am in a good place now and ready to try this again!! Just a little update..We moved from Prestonsburg back to Lexington then to SOMERSET!! If anyone is keeping up that is three moves in less than 1 month. Crazy I know. Thanks to a lot of help from our families we made it work. Brentton was presented with an amazing opportunity and promotion to GM of THE CASTLE in Somerset so off we went.. We have been here almost a month as so far so good. I am slowly adjusting but am loving the people here. Everyone is super friendly!! In case your wondering about the little love in my life, Miss Kaleigh, she is wonderful! She is amazing as usual and beyond intelligent for her age (not just saying that, she really is) Will prove it later :) I have a lot to say now and I hope that you all will keep up with me, again.. Love to all <3

Little Beauty

Isn't she a cutie? Yes, I know!