Hola Familia! We are completely moved into our new place! We really love it here. It's quieter, a lot less traffic flow through the area and it feels more cozy than the other house did. I've been trying to hang pictures today and decorate without being in fear of leaving any time soon..You have to understand my concern, right? Kaleigh is growing up so much. I can't even begin to tell you all the things she says and does now. She can carry on a conversation with you at all times. Her vocabulary is very impressive if I must say. Her teachers and the director at her Pre-school have told me that she talks better than the children in her room, who are all older than her ;) I'm not proud of anything am I? For the first time since we moved back in March to Lexington then to Somerset, she is sleeping ALONE in her OWN ROOM. It was actually harder on me than it was on her. She was so excited and didn't even cry. I made Brentton get up out of bed just to make sure her windows were locked...
At almost 25 months, Kaleigh can count to ten in Spanish and fourteen in English. She can sing the ABC song, She knows her full name and how old she is. She knows she lives in Kentucky (go cats)! She loves to go to school and play with her friends. She loves to color, read books before bed time and draw on dry erase boards. She discovered CARE BEARS and feel in love immediately. Her favorite one is the Purple bear, share bear. It's so sweet to me because it was one of my favorite shows when I was a little girl :) She eats Fruit and Cheese all the time and is obsessed with marshmallows. Milk is by far her favorite drink.She likes to pick our her outfits for school. She wears 18-24 months in clothes and size 6 in a shoe. Her hair is so long and she still hates me messing with it ;) Ok...that's probably enough rambling on about my amazing child.
Here are some photos of the little diva!
Look at those baby blues? GORGEOUS
LOVE, LoVe, love...
Have a good week,
Love, Kacee