Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm 24 weeks Pregnant!

Wow! I can't believe that I am already 24 weeks. Time has flown by so fast! A lot of things are changing this week; For starters, my belly is getting so much bigger..this morning I felt so much bigger than I'm starting to have a lot of back pain unfortunately and it doesn't help that I have to sit all day at work :( I try to get up and walk around when possible. My balance as well as my mind have somehow left I can't seem to remember ANYTHING! I'm hoping that will slowly fade away once the baby gets here. Overall I am feeling great :) Although I seem to get aggravated very easily, I'm generally in a good mood. The most amazing thing this week is how strong her movements are becoming. I can see her moving when I look at my stomach now, its so cool! Enough about me... what's happening with Kaleigh this week?


Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

1 comment:

  1. We also wanted to tell you how much we love the blog! It's just wonderful!
    ~Steve and Theresa
