Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Appointment Update!

Good News, we have progress!! Sorry my post is a little late in the evening I took a nap and my lazy butt didn't wake up until recently....lol I have dilated around 2 cm, my cervix has thinned and moved forward (which is great, not quite there but it has MOVED) the babies head is in place and at station -1. She is getting ready!! We decided that we would try a method of induction today in order to speed up the process a little. The Dr. stripped my membranes (not going to go into detail, but it apparently releases a hormone which speeds up contractions) VERY PAINFUL! I am so glad Brentton was the to hold my hand because I don't know what I would have done without him. The Dr. was hoping that this will but me in labor tonight or tomorrow :) If not, I am still going to be induced with pitocin on Thursday, not sure the time yet, but I will let everyone know if that's the case. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me. I know that God will help me get through this. I love you all and will hopefully be seeing you very soon!

XOXO Kacee


  1. We are waiting, trying to be ready at a moments notice. She will be here very soon. Rest, the time is near for our grandbaby girl Kaliegh's arrival. I think I want to be called Paw B.

  2. We're all so EXCITED!!! We are holding you all in our Prayers! Love You ALL - Aunt Odie, Uncle Chuck, Courtney and Aaron.

  3. Let me tell ya, I feel your pain on the "stripping your membranes" subject! My midwife did that to me a little eachtime for 3 weeks in a row and I still didn't go! Thankfully you won't have to wait that long though, she will be here before you know it.
