Monday, November 16, 2009

For My Little Kaleigh..

Wow.. where should I begin? Little Miss Kaleigh is 4 months old today! It's unbelievable! This time last year I had just found out I was pregnant, nervous/excited but anxious to meet this little miracle God had given to us. It seems just like yesterday they were putting her in my arms and I seen her beautiful face for the very first time. Tears run down my face thinking of how much my little girl is growing up before my eyes. By the grace of god she is healthy and happy! For that I am forever thankful...

For My Little Kaleigh...

--I hope you always know that mommy loves you with all her heart..
--I want you to know how I prayed for you every night you were in my tummy....smiled when you kicked me..worried when you didn't...cried when I heard your heartbeat..smiled when I seen your profile..
--I hope you always come to me in times of need....ask for me when your hurt..think about me when your away...wishing you were with me too..
--I pray you never have to feel pain...a broken heart....a broken bone..

--I will never give up on you..never let you there when you need me and even when you don't....Call you when your away...wait for you when your out..Listen when you need me to.. Cry when you cry, laugh when you laugh but most of all I want you to know that I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU. You are my heart, my angel, my everything...
Always & Forever, Mommy


  1. Well said Kacee, I think you and B are wonderful parents. She is lucky and we are blessed to have her in our lives. Thank you for this wonderful gift called Kaleigh Madison Akers. She is my joy, my happiness and my love. She has my heart.

  2. Kacee, what a wonderful Mom you are.

    I'm so proud of you and so thankful for this little blessing God has given to our family.

    See you soon.

    Love Aunt Mandy

  3. Brentton, Kacee, & Little Kaleigh....
    The Good Lord has "Blessed" you as a "Family"....."ENJOY"!!!!

    Ephesians 3:20 "Now Unto Him That Is Able To Do Exceeding Abundantly Above All That We Ask Or Think, According To The Power That Worketh In Us."
