Friday, November 6, 2009

A Week of Firsts...

Hey Everyone! This week was a week of FIRSTS for Miss Kaleigh Madison. Here is a list of her new adventures :)
* She had her first spoon/cereal feeding
* She started rolling over!! Back to Belly to Back..
* She FINALLY bumped up to 5 ounces in her bottles
* She is starting to laugh out loud! YAY
OK, so I know that this might not seem like a lot, but I am so proud of my little angel. She amazes me every single day. It's so wonderful to see her learn new things, I love it. I never knew how happy I would be to see her roll over, but honestly it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I love being a Mama!
Hey Ya'll
Looking Serious..

Getting ready for my first spoon feeding


  1. How could she change so much since Sunday. Don't let her grow up before we get back to see her. I LOVE KALEIGH and I hope she loves me too.

  2. "We Love The Pics!! Kaleigh Thinks She Is A Big Girl & Can Do It Herself!!"

    We Love It!!
    Thank You For Sharing!!
    Steve & Theresa

  3. She's so cute! I can't believe how much she's grown in the past few weeks. You can tell she likes her cereal. Love you all!

    Aunt Mandy

  4. She is getting all growed up! LOL! I love the pictures. Thank you for sharing her with all of us! We love you all and her soooo much! See you soon!
    Aunt Jay
