Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm in love with a blue eyed girl..

I never thought I could love her anymore than I did the day she was born... but I am more in LOVE with my blue eyed baby than ever before! She amazes me every day. I don't know how I managed to get so lucky. God truly blessed me with an angel... She is smart, BEAUTIFUL, loving, outgoing, HAPPY and brave. She has the biggest personality, prettiest eyes and the best laugh around!She always puts a smile on my face no matter what trouble comes my way. I love you Kaleigh Madison, with all my heart.

Every day..

and every night..
I thank GOD..
that I have YOU!

Forever & Always
My little Princess
Mommy Loves you Ka Bug!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunshine Smiles

I don't know about everyone else but I have never been so happy to see the sunshine and warm weather!Kaleigh and I took a short trip to Prestonsburg this Saturday to attend a friend's baby shower and have a play date at Ashley's house with Kaleigh's best friends Kayden (7 months) & Shannon Taylor (6 months). We had so much fun! Kaleigh decided that she would rather chase Mikey (Ashley's Husband) and her son Conner around than play with the girls She is such a little flirt. Always smiling and using those big blue eyes & dark eye lashes to her advantage. Lord help me during her teenage years! I wish I had pictures to share of their little date but stupid me forgot to put the memory card back in my camera :(  I did however manage to take a couple pictures before I left today using the internal memory. I wish I had something interesting to say but I am so exhausted all the week's events have escaped my

I hope everyone has a great week.. Love Kacee

winkin at the

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm 8 months old!

As of the 16th at 5:32 pm, our little princess is 8 months old!! She is keeping me very busy, so I'm sorry for being's kind of hard to type when the little one is attacking me and trying to break the SHE'S A WILD ONE, but we LOVE her.

Kaleigh's Mischief this week.....
* Pulling out every single DVD she has and spreading them all over the house
* Grabbing the end of the toliet paper and un-rolling it all over the bathroom
* Climbing on top a box of diapers and attempting to climb up the coffee table
* Grabbing food off of our dinner plates

Let's just say that she has become a hand full :) Here are some pictures from bath time last night!!

Hey Ya'll

She loves her duckies
Playing in the water
Why did you pour water over my head??
Ok momma, Can I go to sleep now??

Monday, March 8, 2010


I am so amazed at all the new skills she has learned this past week. Of course a lot of it is on KALEIGH TIME. This meaning she does everything when she wants to! I swear, she makes me look like a lier all the time. I'm constantly bragging and saying, "look at what my baby can do" and what does she do you? --Stares at me like I am crazy person! Funny how that happens..

THIS WEEKS SKILLS:7 1/2 months old

*Waving Hi & Bye, at her discretion as usual
*Dances to music and of course when mommy dances.
*Pick's up snacks and puts them in her mouth.
*Whispering "DaDa" whenever my Iphone
*Stood alone without hanging on for about 5 seconds
*She said "NO" over the weekend to her cousin Zach for restricing her from moving into the (VERY FUNNY)
*Claps whenever you say YAY and clap!
*Gives Mommy Kisses :)

Prettiest Smile in the world :)

Have a GREAT week!
Love, Kacee