Monday, March 8, 2010


I am so amazed at all the new skills she has learned this past week. Of course a lot of it is on KALEIGH TIME. This meaning she does everything when she wants to! I swear, she makes me look like a lier all the time. I'm constantly bragging and saying, "look at what my baby can do" and what does she do you? --Stares at me like I am crazy person! Funny how that happens..

THIS WEEKS SKILLS:7 1/2 months old

*Waving Hi & Bye, at her discretion as usual
*Dances to music and of course when mommy dances.
*Pick's up snacks and puts them in her mouth.
*Whispering "DaDa" whenever my Iphone
*Stood alone without hanging on for about 5 seconds
*She said "NO" over the weekend to her cousin Zach for restricing her from moving into the (VERY FUNNY)
*Claps whenever you say YAY and clap!
*Gives Mommy Kisses :)

Prettiest Smile in the world :)

Have a GREAT week!
Love, Kacee


  1. They will always make you out to be a liar, however I know what she can do. She is amazing! She will give you a run for your money very soon, she is very active and the fun is just starting!

  2. She is so beautiful Kacee...Dianne is always talking about the new things she is doing and I am amazed..Love reading about her and seeing her pictures..
