Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ka Update..

Hola Family & Friends!!! I don't know about you but I am WAY too excited for FALL. We've bought pumpkins, Halloween Decorations and lots of  fall scented candles. Our house smells like a mixture of pumpkin pie and vanilla cupcakes!!! I have so much to tell you about Miss Priss....I'll try not to ramble ;)

Kaleigh is 26 months old now! She moved up in a class at pre-school, finally getting settled into a room there. Unfortunately, we have had some biting issues from both sides. Kaleigh has been bit three times and I guess she decided to bite one of the little girls that bit her. I am not happy about this but don't really know how to handle it. We talked to her and told her we DO NOT bite our friends. Hopefully that will work. She is still not potty trained but I'm trying not to stress about it. She shows all the signs of a child ready to be potty trained but isn't interested at the moment. She speaks so well. You can have a complete conversation with her, it's amazing. Her hair is so long and I love it, Kaleigh however, does not like me messing with it...She is yet to fit in a pair of 24 months jeans. I guess she will be wearing tights for a while. Her appetite hasn't changed much. She doesn't eat a lot but her favorites are; apples,bananas,grapes,marshmallows,mac n' cheese,scrambled eggs,cheese it's and M-I-L-K. She loves to dance and started gymnastics classes! She loves coloring, reading books with mommy and daddy, playing with blocks,DINOSAURS, Cinderella and Ariel. Her new expressions are, "YIKES"..."I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"..."OH SO PRETTY"..among many others. Every day is a blessing. She lights up my life more than ever :)


Have a Good Weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. "YIKES!!!"
