Monday, January 23, 2012

Say What?

 As you all know, Kaleigh is a chatter box. She is extremely vocal and let's her presence be known regardless of the circumstances. I'm proud of her for being outgoing and making others smile. I know her mission on this earth is to make people happy, especially her daddy and I.

I put together a list of all the funny/cute things she says on a day to day basis. She is notorious for these comments and is a creature of habit. 

My Favorite Kaleigh Quotes/Sayings
(in no particular order ;) )

Kaleigh is impatient, spoiled perhaps. She is smart and knows how to manipulate a situation. Whenever she doesn't get her way she immediately starts crying (fake mostly). Her response to the ordeal....

1) "But your my best friend Mommy?"
She truly thinks this will help her get what she wants. I will have to say it's hard not to give
2)" We're Family!"
She loves the fact that Brentton and I are HER family. It's so precious when we are all sitting together in the living and she runs back and forth to us informing us that we are HER family.
3) "I love your nails, I love your hair, I love your shirt Mommy!"
If your having a bad hair day or think you look terrible, don't worry, Kaleigh ALWAYS compliments you no matter what. Might I add, she tells me this every day :)
4)"Shut the door Mommy!"
Every single night, after laying Ka in her bed she demands I close her door. Of course that's not safe, so I leave it cracked and leave the hall light on for her. She is so much like me it is scary. I hate the door being open at night!
5) "Oh-Wa, Oh-Wa, Shoot that Arrow!"
She sings this every day, at least 10 times!! I have no clue where she got it from but I'm guessing it came from theme week at school during Thanksgiving while learning about Indians? Who knows but it's so cute..haha
6) "Talk to ME!"
Don't even think about having an "adult" conversation in the car without including her. Brentton and I begin talking and she immediately starts yelling this!

7)"I want to get back in your belly!"
OK, a little back story. I was watching an ultrasound video of Kaleigh the other day and I told her that it was her inside my belly. I showed her pictures of me while I was pregnant and she couldn't believe it. She started saying, " I want to get back in your belly mommy!" She started crying hysterically and Brentton told her she was too big! She fired back, " No, I'm LITTLE daddy!

Last but not least...

Her Bedtime Prayer is possibly the sweetest thing I have ever heard. She clasps her little hands together, closes her eyes and prays to God, EVERY..SINGLE..NIGHT.. ;)

8)"Thank you GOD for our food, help us always to be good,to be kind in all we do, GOD bless our family, friends and school...AMEN!"

I wanted to share these pictures from our trip to the Knoxville Zoo this weekend. We took a family trip to Pigeon Forge for shopping and fun and decided to take her to the Zoo for the first time! It was so nice to get away and escape reality if only for a couple days. Kaleigh had a blast as did we.Below are a couple pics of her favorite animals.

Ka admiring the Chimps!

Her favorite section was the OTTERS! Yes, Otters!

She loved him! Isn't he cute? haha

White Tiger.. She loved him as well.

She liked the Elephant because they looked like they were "dancing".

Zebras! She didn't say much about them but I love them!

Hope you enjoyed this post..keep checking back with us.

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