Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hey Everyone!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well as a great weekend. Brentton, Kaleigh & I had so much fun in Floyd Co. Thursday. We love getting to see all our family.

This one's for the record book...
-After Church today we met up with Aunt T and Uncle Steve to go to lunch at Cheddars. Sounds harmless right? To begin with Kaleigh begins bursting out in laughter for at least 2 minutes, it was HILARIOUS. I was so proud of her... Once I realized Miss Diva needed her diaper changed I got her out of her car seat, sat her on the table in front of me and without having one second to react she pulled my ENTIRE glass of water into my I WAS SOAKED! I mean dripping with water. Luckily I had black pants on so it wasn't that noticeable. I was mad, but it was so funny I couldn't help but laugh. So mommy had to leave, change clothes then I finally got to enjoy my lunch. Just another wonderful memory I'll never forget. We were so happy to get to spend some time with Theresa & Steve :)

I hope everyone has a great week =) Here are some new pictures of princess punkin tail!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Love, My Life..

My little angel with her eyes so blue, I dreamt of your face, but I never knew.
Your beautiful smile, your precious laugh, how could one not LOVE to react?
I felt your kick and heard her heart, I can't even imagine if we were ever to part.
You light up my life and break down my guard, out of my wonderful marriage, you are my GREATEST award. With life so short and days so long I pray for your happiness
so I can live on...

With Love to Miss Kaleigh

Hey Everyone!! I hope you enjoy the short poem & sweet pictures of my baby doll. Kaleigh is doing wonderful, thank god. She is laughing more and more each day. Rolling ALL OVER the place, it's quite entertaining. We have a very busy week ahead of us. Wednesday night we will be traveling to Floyd Co. to have Thanksgiving with my family Thursday, then driving back to Georgetown to be with my other family :) Please pray for safe travels. I can NOT WAIT to see all of you.
Love Kacee

Monday, November 16, 2009

For My Little Kaleigh..

Wow.. where should I begin? Little Miss Kaleigh is 4 months old today! It's unbelievable! This time last year I had just found out I was pregnant, nervous/excited but anxious to meet this little miracle God had given to us. It seems just like yesterday they were putting her in my arms and I seen her beautiful face for the very first time. Tears run down my face thinking of how much my little girl is growing up before my eyes. By the grace of god she is healthy and happy! For that I am forever thankful...

For My Little Kaleigh...

--I hope you always know that mommy loves you with all her heart..
--I want you to know how I prayed for you every night you were in my tummy....smiled when you kicked me..worried when you didn't...cried when I heard your heartbeat..smiled when I seen your profile..
--I hope you always come to me in times of need....ask for me when your hurt..think about me when your away...wishing you were with me too..
--I pray you never have to feel pain...a broken heart....a broken bone..

--I will never give up on you..never let you there when you need me and even when you don't....Call you when your away...wait for you when your out..Listen when you need me to.. Cry when you cry, laugh when you laugh but most of all I want you to know that I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU. You are my heart, my angel, my everything...
Always & Forever, Mommy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Angel in Disguise...

So..I might be prejudice, but she has THE MOST BEAUTIFUL eyes I have ever seen :) She looks like an angel. She defiantly inherited Daddy's best gene. I wish you all could experience her laugh, it's so awesome. Any time I am having a bad day I just make her laugh and that makes it all worth it. I am asking that you all pray for my family in Prestonsburg, things are extremely rough right now and I am kind of at the end of my rope worrying about it. I don't want to get discouraged and give up, but I don't know what else to do at this point. Maybe I need some prayers as well?? Hope you enjoy the pictures of our little ray of sunshine

Angel in disguise...
So Pretty

Cheerleader Hands :)) Love it

Mommy's Baby

Love You all !!

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Week of Firsts...

Hey Everyone! This week was a week of FIRSTS for Miss Kaleigh Madison. Here is a list of her new adventures :)
* She had her first spoon/cereal feeding
* She started rolling over!! Back to Belly to Back..
* She FINALLY bumped up to 5 ounces in her bottles
* She is starting to laugh out loud! YAY
OK, so I know that this might not seem like a lot, but I am so proud of my little angel. She amazes me every single day. It's so wonderful to see her learn new things, I love it. I never knew how happy I would be to see her roll over, but honestly it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I love being a Mama!
Hey Ya'll
Looking Serious..

Getting ready for my first spoon feeding

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby's First Halloween

Hey Guys!! I wanted to share some pictures of Kaleigh in her first Halloween Costume :) A beautiful Pink Butterfly....She didn't like it very much, but I insisted on getting Hope you enjoy them!